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Ljubavni sastanak sms poruke 1441

Seksi prepiska: TOP 10 uzbudljivih SMS poruka

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Ako ni jedno od toga nije, vrati mi srce, oprosteno ti je!!!! Da bi saznala, da nisam to što želiš, da nisam ta sa kojom ljubav želiš da deliš.. Broj igri i igrica ce rasti iz tjedan u tjedan tako da vam preporucamo da zapamtite ovu adresu! Ne brini za druge, jer drugi ce se snaci, ali ljubav poput tebe tesko je naci.

Tužne poruke za ostavljene. Kada birate mesto za prvi sastanak, nemojte zaboraviti na njegov osnovni cilj. Poverio mu ih na čuvanje i... Iako moje srce još za tobom lupa, izvini...

7 pravila na ljubavnom sastanku - Uživajte u ljubavi i pošaljite svojoj ljubavi...

Tužne poruke za ostavljene. Pročitajte najadekvatniju SMS poruku za rastanak i pošaljite je vašoj ljubavi koja se gasi. Pokažite SMS porukom da vam je do nekoga stalo ili pokažite snagu SMS porukom da možete ići dalje. Možda je ludo da te volim, možda ponizno da za ljubav molim, ali jednog dana kada shvatiš reći moje, saznaćeš da si izgubio nešto što je zauvek moglo biti tvoje! Ne okreći glavu kad me vidiš i ne gledaj me kao neznanog gosta, osmehni se bar zbog prošlosti naše, od osobe koju volim i osmeh je dosta! Kako da ti kažem da volim te. Kako da ti kažem da mi nedostaješ. Kako da ti kažem sada da suze teku zbog tebe jer te nemam kraj sebe. Zašto sada tvoje srce nju voli? A nekada je volelo mene. Znam da me ne voliš i sve mi je jasno volećeš me jednom, ali onda će biti kasno! Plakala je kao dete malo u mom zagrljaju, ne verujući da je kraj sreće njeno srce za rastanak nije znalo ni slutila nije da me više videti neće. Danas neću plakati, suze nisu lek, ali pamti ove reči: - Voleću te zauvek! Danas lažem sebe, dobro mi je bez tebe, ali srce tajnu krije: - Nikad gore bilo nije! Zaboravi da smo se sreli, zaboravi da smo se upoznali, zaboravi da smo se rastali, al ne zaboravi da smo se ludo voleli! Možda nije trebalo ni da se upoznamo... Da bi saznala, da nisam to što želiš, da nisam ta sa kojom ljubav želiš da deliš.. PO PRVI PUT SAM VOLELA SRCEM CELIM. Ako te nekad život zaboli, ako te nekada uvrede ljudi, seti se da postoji neko ko te iskreno voli i ne može da te preboli! Dva puta smo se rastavljali ali da je baš tu kraj to nismo znali tada nismo mislili da više videti se nećemo te noći lile su jake kiše i danima prestajale nisu to je nebo plakalo za nama kao ja i ti si ostala sama i ne znam hoću li te ikad više videti. Zašto ljubav ovako jako boli? Zašto čovek ovako snažno voli? Zašto većinom plač i tuga, zašto njega zanima druga? Ti si jedina osoba koja mi ovih dana ispunjava dušu nekim finim osećanjem. Ali ne to se neda opisati rečima. To se mora osetiti srcem. Kako je teško kako to boli kad voliš nekog ko te ne voli. Kad uzalud čekaš i kraj njega stojiš a on i ne vidi da postojiš. Kada budeš plakala zbog juče, novo jutro budi staru ranu, kreni dalje pa kako ti bude, jer ja više nemam te u planu. Daleko sam nek te to ne boli, znaj da moje srce samo tebe voli. Niko neće moći ljubav da nam sruši, gde god da se nalaziš ti si mi u duši. Još malo i ponoć je, a tebe nema i nema, ujutro svitanje, a moje ljubavi još nema. Voleću te do neba i gledati zvezdane noći jer do tvoje ljubavi nikada neću moći. Plave su oči tvoje, plava je kosa tvoja, plava je zbog tebe postala moja omiljena boja! Crvene ruže prepune rose kažu da ljubav i srecu nose. Kad god mi neko pokloni cveće setim se tebe i dana sreće. Zašto se na kraju sve tako zbiva, zašto se ljubav u tugu sliva. Dok moje srce jeca i boli on drugu ljubi on drugu voli... Ako ti godine oduzmu nadu, ako ti ljudi ljubav ukradu, ako ti jednom loše krene, seti se da imaš mene. Tužno je kad slušaš tužne pesme i shvatiš da u svima nalaziš sebe. Tužno je kad nekome kažes da ga voliš, a on se nasmeje. Tužno je kad nema nikoga da te zagrli kad ti treba. Tužno je kad glumiš da si srećan, a nisi. Toliko si mi puta srce lomila da više ne osećam bol, ali samo mi lomi srce, jer ja ludim zbog tog, i svaki put kad mi srce slomiš ja te još više volim! Sada znam da si lagao sve što si rekao sve što si učinio za mene bila je laž. Svaki poljubac svaki dodir tvoj na mom licu. Samo se pitam zašto si lagao kada nisi morao. Znam da si žalostan, znam da me trebaš, znam da te onda više neću videti kad te napustim, ali ću se ponositi time što sam bila tvoja. Što si mi to uradila, što si mi srce slomila kao da nemam osećanja, kao da sam suva grana. Ali ja te ludo volim i ja sam proklet, evo ti moje srce pa ga slomi opet! Kažu da svaki rastanak boli, da svaki čovek plače, ali znam da niko neće voleti i patiti od mene jače, govore mi da su i drugi voleli, da je i druga duša patila, ali znam da nisu znali, nisu umeli kao ja, rekli su mi da si ti kao i svi drugi, da ću ja kao ostale proći, da ćes me ostaviti svu u boli, ali ja nisam verovala da ćeš ti to moći... Slušam muziku vetra, zapravo to vetar plače, htela bih te mrzeti, ali volim te sve jače i jače. Nisu mi verovali kad sam im rekla da drugog voleti neću moći, nisu mi verovali kada sam rekla da on više neće doći. Rekli su pogledaj kako te gleda, a niko nije video taj pogled hladniji od leda. Kada ti neko ceo svet sruši spolja si hladan al boli te u duši znaš da nisi kriv al džaba je sve jedna greška menja sve greške si pravio ne znam im broj bila sam uz tebe bila sam tvoj rob neke reči su i više od greške da bi ih prećutala suviše su teške. Za tebe ću plakati, dok suze ne presuše zauvek deo moje duše, voleću te do zadnjeg daha života svog, tebi će biti posvećen zadnji otkucaj srca mog. Uhvati me za ruku, Pomozi mi da opet ljubav osetim, Pogledaj me u oči, Pomozi mi da opet poletim. Hajde da letimo zajedno, Potrudi se, molim te, Hoću da oboje uživamo, Hoću da opet izgovorim volim te... Samo ću tebe voleti zauvek... Kad budeš plakao zbog juče novo jutro budi staru ranu. Kreni dalje pa kako bude jer ja više nemam te u planu. Zar očekuješ da pred tobom padam i da se tebi večno nadam? Iako moje srce još za tobom lupa, izvini... Naivna jesam, ali nisam glupa. Razbiću čašu kad ne mogu tugu... Jer ja VOLIM tebe... A ti voliš DRUGU! Iako želimo da vam nikad ove poruke ne zatrebaju, život je takav da se i rastanci dešavaju. Pošaljite neku od tužnih poruka za rastanak vašoj bivošoj ljubavi uz nadu da ćete preboleti rastanak. Nečiji konji pred ulazom stoje. Da nisam mladost propio juče Da se juče nismo rastali nas dvoje. Ne škripi više trojko zadocnela! Naš život ode bez traga rumena. Možda će sutra bolnička postelja... Mesec je pao, ja sam zaspao, ali tvoj zagrljaj nisam osetio! U tuđini duša mi sada zebe, jer će jutro svanuti bez tebe! Ukoliko nemate inspiraciju za pisanje SMS poruka, savetujemo vam da pročitate naše sugestije i verujemo da će vam se bar nekoliko svideti. Uživajte u najlepšim i najzanimljivijim... Pošaljite sms poruku osobi koju volite i do koje vam je stalo, ulepšajte joj dan, i sasvim smo sigurni da će vam višestruko vratiti. Jedna SMS poruka, iskrene ljubavi je tako malo, a tako puno znači. Naše je prijateljstvo poput dvorca od peska: teško ga je izgraditi, lako uništiti, prekrasno obnoviti! Pogledaj me barem jednom, ispuni mi ovu želju, jer ja te još uvek volim moj najbolji prijatelju... Pošaljite SMS čestitku novim mladencima i poželite im sve najlepše u budućem životu. Hvala vam što ste nas pozvali na venčanje. Želimo vam puno sreće od danas i zauvek! Bračna luka je glavna staza života u kojoj... Pošaljite neku od odabranih SMS poruka za zaljubljene koje smo birali samo za vas. Hej ljubavi u dalekom gradu čuvaj mi se da... Pročitajte odabrane SMS poruke i pronađite najbolju za vašu devojku. Podelite ljubav sa svojom devojkom putem SMS poruka i iskažite svoje emocije... Pošaljite najlepše želje svojem drugu, drugarici, devojci, sinu ili ćerci za punoletstvo. Pred vama je lepa baza SMS poruka za 18-ti rođendan. Izaberite šaljive, smešne, lepe, ljubavne ili... Domaćine, zdrav bio, badnjakom se okitio. Neka ovaj Badnji dan Vama bude radostan. Puno zdravlja, puno sreće, uz krst časni, ikonu i svece. Neka Hristovo sveto drvo podari Vam zdravlje prvo... Za vas smo pripremili pregršt nekih od najlepših ljubavnih poruka za SMS. Pažljivo smo birali ljubavne poruke i izdvojili samo najlepše. Pošaljite svojoj voljenoj osobi svakog dana bar po jednu ljubavnu SMS poruku... Pročitajte i pošaljite neki stih za sestru koja je daleko. Ukoliko imate sestru, onda znate koliko sestra može da znači! Ovde su samo neke poruke za sestru kojima možete da joj iskažete... Prelepe romantične poruke za njega koje će mu kroz nekoliko reči podeliti romantična osećanja koja gajite prema njemu. Uživajte u ljubavi i pošaljite svojoj ljubavi... Volite svoju devojku i pošaljite joj ljubavnu poruku. Otopite srce svojoj devojci jednom ljubavnom porukom i podsetite je da je volite. Uživajte u ljubavi sa svojom devojkom i pošaljite... Odmah ju je oduševljeno uzeo u ruke i sa... Znaš kako je to ako gledam kristalni mesec, crvenu granu spore jeseni u mom prozoru... Poverio mu ih na čuvanje i...

Za voljenu osobu...
Na prvih nekoliko sastanaka možete otići u šetnju ili na kafu, ali kasnije pokažite i malo kreativnosti. Ukoliko stvari krenu dobro, osoba koju ste izveli na sastanak će, pre ili kasnije upoznati i vaše prijatelje i kolege, zato nemojte lagati i ulepšavati istinu o sebi. Zašto ljubav ovako jako boli. SMS je idealan način za upoznavanje jebačica čak i za stidljve muškarce koji uživo teško prilaze devojka i započinju priču o seksu. U većini slučajeva, ni to nije baš odmah potpuno jasno, ali svakao dobijate mnogo bolju sliku o osobi. Odmah ju je oduševljeno uzeo u ruke i sa. Zašto većinom plač i tuga, zašto njega zanima druga. Kažu da svaki rastanak boli, da svaki čovek plače, ali znam da niko neće voleti i patiti od mene jače, govore mi da su i drugi voleli, da je i druga duša patila, ali znam da nisu znali, nisu umeli kao ja, rekli su mi da si ti kao i svi drugi, da ću ja kao ostale proći, da ćes me ostaviti svu u boli, ali ja nisam verovala da ćeš ti to moći. Izaberite šaljive, smešne, lepe, ljubavne ili. Tužno je kad slušaš tužne pesme i shvatiš da u svima nalaziš sebe. Pošaljite neku od odabranih SMS poruka za zaljubljene koje ljubavni sastanak sms poruke 1441 birali samo za vas. Domaćine, zdrav bio, badnjakom se okitio.

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Dating robinson ransbottom pottery

There is modest collecting interest in Robinson-Ransbottom pottery

❤️ Click here: Dating robinson ransbottom pottery

Temperware was oven-to-freezer-to-table technology that allowed the splendid dinnerware patterns to withstand heat and cold. Bell California Pottery Sometimes marked Bell of California, Bell Manufacturing Company was in Los Angeles in the 1950s, crafting figurines and artware for the American public.

Gordy was a folk art potter and a studio art potter who contributed to the museum in Lumpkin, Georgia. Because Robinson-Ransbottom used some marks that were similar to those used by the Roseville Pottery Co. Blue Ridge Pottery Southern Potteries, Inc. Dryden used as well as in-mold and incised marks.

There is modest collecting interest in Robinson-Ransbottom pottery - Taylor, Smith, Taylor Taylor, Smith and Taylor was a dinnerware company in Chester, West Virginia, from 1899 through the 1970s.

RRP Co Pottery Roseville RRP Co Pottery A Brief History In 1900, Frank Ransbottom and his brother started a pottery company in Roseville, Ohio to make stoneware and pottery. By 1916 Ransbottom Pottery was the largest producer of stoneware jars in America. Around 1920, they merged with Robinson Clay Products Co. The name was changed to RRP Company to reflect both initials and product lines expanded to include gardenware in addition to their art pottery and functional goods. The company was able to endure through the great depression and was in business until 2005, when it finally ceased operations. Since RRP Co no longer exists, it fairly assured that their pottery will become more collectible and valuable in the future. Examples of Work General Information and Websites RRP Co is often confused with Roseville Pottery by fledgling collectors. This is understandable due to the fact that both wares contain the name Roseville in their marks. These two however are completely different companies. Roseville is actually the town in Ohio where RRP Co. Of course, the markings are also quite different. There are not allot of good websites but I've listed two below... You may want to bookmark this site, as the links below will take you elsewhere... All Rights Reserved - 2010.

R.R.P. CO Roseville Crocks 303-F
Vontury maintained the studio until his death in 1992. Stoneware with the maple leaf logo is usually Ring Stoneware. This mark causes confusion with collectors, as the immediate reaction is that this isdating robinson ransbottom pottery company in the area that was much more famous. Helens Ashware Mount Saint Helens Ashware produces souvenir pottery from volcanic ash from Mt. The Royal Gorge Scenic R. Nemadji was sincere in Minnesota, using clay from the banks of the Nemadji River from about 1923 until about 2001. For more information on Homer Laughlin, see. The end result will most likely be higher than if the service is sold as a unit. Rosemeade used an ink u for most of the pottery production, along with foil labels. Note: Not all makers have a mark here, or a good one. Autumn Leaf dinnerware is common.

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Site ffm group sex seduces

Holiday FFM Fun

❤️ Click here: Site ffm group sex seduces

For those first moments while we kissed, I was rid of all those mental nuisances that go round and round all day long. The entire package touched something inside me.

I was considering my option, one being calling a cab and heading back to my flat, when I spotted a guy I really liked the look of. Craig asked if I wanted to go and get some dessert at the bar down the street and I thought that would be a great idea.

Forced into a FFM Threesome - And now this guy's cock was blatantly promoting itself by pressing into my abdomen from inside his pants. When her lips actually pressed softly against my flesh she let them linger fractionally longer than really necessary, and when she pulled away the night air chilled the skin of my cheek where her saliva and lip-gloss moistened.

PRELUDE Tammy arrived at work about 30 minutes early and she went right to her desk. Her boss Pete spotted her and admired her shapely legs under her mini skirt. Tammy had nice legs an adorable face and the absolute perfectly shaped ass. That was it for she was mostly flat chested. Tammy wore her light brown hair in a pony tail which made her looked younger than her 33 years. Pete watched as she settled in around her desk and when she bent over he saw that she was not wearing panties. Her skirt rode up high enough to display her stockings, garters and camel toe. Tammy hurried into her boss's office and he followed her in, closed and locked the door. Pete turned Tammy away from him toward the small conference room table and had her bend over. She braced herself with both hands on the table. Pete pulled up her mini skirt to her waist completely baring her scrumptious ass. He went over to his desk and took out a butt plug and a tube of lubricant. He inserted the tube in Tammy's rectum and squeezed out an ample amount of lube. Then Pete pushed the butt plug into Tammy's asshole and he smiled when it settled in. Pete unzipped his trousers, unbuckled his belt and pushed his pants and underwear down to his knees. Tammy leaned over and took his impressive cock in her mouth and as she did Pete pushed her back against the wall. Tammy's ass was pressed against the wall pushing against the butt plug. Pete began fucking her face and Tammy's ass kept slapping off the wall. Once Pete was really hard and ready for her ass, he pulled her face off of his cock. Pete had Tammy turn around again and place her hands back on the small conference table. She leaned over and arched her back when she felt his hand pressing down on the small of her back. Pete next grabbed the butt plug and pulled it roughly out of her ass. They both heard the audible pop when the plug cleared her sphincter. Tammy groaned softly in response to the abrupt vacancy in her ass. Pete pushed his cock into her dripping wet pussy but only long enough to get it wet with her cunt juice. He then aimed his cock at her asshole and pressed forward. The mushroom head popped through her sphincter and his cock steadily filled her rectum. Between the lubricant and Tammy's pussy juice the slick dick slid in easily. Tammy moaned with pleasure as the thick cock touched every anal fiber. She loved having his cock in her ass and as he drilled her she ran her fingers rapidly over her clit. Pete caressed her lovely round buttocks as he butt fucked her. Tammy wanted to cum before Pete did as she loved having her ass stuffed when she orgasmed. Her fingers moved lightening fast over her clit and she felt her climax building. Then it rocked her body and she covered her mouth with her free arm as she continued to rub her clit with the other hand. Pete felt her sphincter clamp around his rigid cock as she climaxed and it drove him over the edge. He pulled his cock from her asshole and aimed it at her anus. Several streams of semen splashed against her anus and buttocks before Pete put his cock back in her ass and let her milk it dry. Eventually Pete's cock softened and slipped from her asshole with a trail of semen following it. He waddled over to his desk with his pants and underwear around his ankles to get the paper towels from the desk drawer. Pete wiped off his cock and deposited the towels in the waste can. Next he handed the towels to Tammy who wiped her pussy and her bottom clean of all semen. Pete would always cum in buckets so she had to use several towels. Tammy dropped her skirt and smoothed it out as Pete pulled up his pants and underwear. Pete left the office door open and he sat behind his desk. ANAL IS THE ORDER OF THE DAY It all started in the most bizarre way. It was a Saturday morning and Tammy and Pete were going to clean out the files in the file cabinets and the library. It had been over five years since anything was purged and it was overcrowded with outdated files and documents. Tammy had asked if they could work on a Saturday as they would be the only ones in the office and they could work undisturbed. For a year now since taking the job Pete had watched Tammy closely. She usually wore mini skirts that showed off her very pretty legs and that fit tightly around her curvy ass. Some days she would wear slacks that were so tight around her ass, they looked they were painted on. On many a day Pete got an erection just from thinking how he would like to fuck her bubble butt. Tammy was on her second marriage and Pete couldn't help but wonder if her husband fucked her in the ass. He would have loved to have an ass like that in bed with him every night. That Saturday in July Tammy arrived at the office wearing very tight shorts and a halter top. Pete was sure that she wasn't wearing a bra under the top as she really didn't need one. However her ass was something else. Pete swore that he could actually see a hint of flesh through the fabric of her shorts. His loins tingled immediately and he knew that he was in for a frustrating morning. They started on the file cabinets in the department and within two hours they had freed up more than half of them and they had nearly filled a large bin with trash. All the while they worked together Pete continued to stare at Tammy's ass whenever he could get a good look. She caught him a few times but she simply smiled and returned to her task. After the file cabinets they took a short break before they tackled the reference library. The library had stacks of books and manuals from floor to ceiling. It was designed with a ladder that moved around on rollers so that one could get to the higher shelves. Tammy said that she would hand the manuals down to Pete and then they could go through them. Watching her climb the ladder almost made Pete cum in his pants. She had this sensual way of rolling her buttocks as she ascended rung by rung. Tammy then turned slightly sideways on the ladder and began passing manuals down to him. The curve in her ass was something to behold in that pose. At one point Tammy stumbled slightly on the ladder and Pete's hands instinctively reached for her. He didn't know if it was intentional or a subconscious reaction but he grabbed her ass cheeks in both hands. Pete held her lovely ass in his hands as she regained her balance. Without realizing it he continued to hold her buttocks in his hands longer than necessary. Pete sprinted to the door, closed it, locked it and sprinted back to the ladder. Tammy had turned her back to him and he stared at her marvelous ass. She was at the right height for him to unfasten her shorts and pull them down. It was like unveiling a masterpiece and her thong panty confirmed that Pete had seen flesh through the shorts. Standing on the ladder in a thong panty was the sexiest thing Pete had seen in awhile and he had to take the next step. Pete took a hold of her thong panty by the waistband and pulled it slowly down and off her body. Tammy lifted one foot at a time so that Pete could remove the shorts and panty. Pete stared at her beautiful ass taking in its beauty. There was not a blemish on her lovely skin and Pete just wanted to bury his face in her shapely bottom. He massaged the twin globes in his hands relishing every minute that he held her. Tammy was getting excited and the smell of her sex filled the library. Pete began to kiss her buttocks and he could detect a pleasant odor around her anus. He suspected that she had cleaned her bottom and pussy very well and that she may have even douched them both. Still he wondered if she would be willing to take his sizeable cock in her ass. You know licked an anus? Pete didn't answer but instead he buried his face in the cheeks of her ass and licked up and down her crack. Tammy cried out with pleasure and she pushed her ass back onto Pete's face. He continued to caress and fondle her lovely buttocks as he licked her anus and probed it with his stiff tongue. Pete's cock was stiff in his pants and he decided to free it from its confines. He unzipped his pants fly and fished his cock and balls out through the opening. Tammy held onto the ladder with one hand and fingered her pussy with the other. She loved having a tongue in her ass as it was very sensual. Pete was anxious to fuck her and his cock was throbbing in anticipation. He moved his face away from her ass and massaged it some more. Do you like it in the ass? Pete stepped back and watched her climb down the ladder. Her ass undulated with every step and Pete trembled in anticipation. Tammy turned toward him and saw his big cock. Pete first dropped his pants and underwear and then he approached Tammy armed with the bottle of lotion. He poured a generous amount on her ass and fingered her anus lubing it thoroughly. Pete then lubricated his cock with lotion and spit in his hand to make it as slick as he could. He stepped up behind Tammy and eased his cock into her hot sweet ass. Pete fed his cock to her a little at a time until he could easily move in and out of her shapely ass. Fuck my ass and cum in my ass. Pete could feel his release building in his loins and try as he may to delay it, he knew he was close. His balls sac went taut, his toes curled in his shoes and he unleashed a torrent of semen when he ejaculated into Tammy's ass. Tammy moaned when she felt the initial shot of semen and she continued to moan as more and more of Pete's seed filled her rectum. She loved the feeling of men cumming in her ass and at that moment she thought of her husband who denied her such pleasure. Tammy's current husband did not like anal sex and he thought it was sinful and disgusting. Her first husband fucked her ass at her request but he had a difficult time cumming in her ass. She had hoped that Pete would eventually come onto to her and she had tried everything to entice him. Now that she had seduced him she could look forward to having her ass fucked on a regular basis. Tammy clenched her sphincter around Pete's thick cock and she squeezed out the remaining semen from his shaft. She still needed to cum so she turned around as soon as Pete's cock slipped from her ass and stretched out on the table. Pete needed no urging as he had had every intention of eating her after fucking her ass. Pete dove right in and he soon had Tammy squirming and yelling for him to eat her. He pushed two fingers into her twat and quickly located her g-spot. He chewed gently on her clit as he rubbed the firm flesh in her vagina. Pete wanted Tammy to experience both a clitoral and vaginal orgasm simultaneously. Tammy was rolling her head from side to side as she had her best oral sex ever. Tammy sensed that she was going to cum soon and that it was going to be a big one. With her ass full of cum, two fingers in her pussy rubbing her g-spot and Pete nibbling on her clit, Tammy had a massive orgasm. Her hips lifted off the table and she grabbed Pete's head with both hands. She screamed out loud as her climax rocked her body. Juices poured into Pete's mouth and he drank down every drop of her sweet nectar. Pete continued to nibble her clit and finger her g-spot until Tammy begged him to stop. Her body lay on the library table quivering. Pete stood up and he was rock hard again. He stepped forward and pushed his cock into Tammy pussy and began fucking her slowly. Pete pulled out of her pussy and brought his cock up to her face. Tammy turned her head and took the cock in her mouth and Pete groaned when she swirled her tongue around the shaft. Tammy certainly knew her way around a cock orally and she gave Pete one of his best blow jobs ever. Tammy could not take all of Pete's cock but she liked testing her gag line with it. She liked nibbling on the mushroom head and sticking the tip of her tongue in his pee slit. Once she realized that Pete was going to cum again she engulfed his cock and let him shoot in her mouth. Tammy drank down every drop of Pete's seed squeezing the remains out with her hand. Pete stepped away and smiled at her. He chuckled at their appearance as they were both still partially clothed. Since there was no one in the building they just walked half naked to the bathrooms where they cleansed their lower bodies. They dressed when they returned to the library and after another coffee break they resumed their work. They had had enough sex for one day but it was the start of a very memorable affair. THE WEEKS FOLLOWING Tammy's husband was very possessive and he expected Tammy home every evening on time. However that did not stop Tammy from having extra-marital sex or giving up her hot ass to Pete. Every business day Pete had his cock in Tammy's mouth, pussy or ass. Mostly it was her ass. Pete had a flight attendant named Tricia living with him and she was often home on weekends which made it impossible for Pete to have Tammy over to his place. So they endured and enjoyed sex in the office. Then one weekend things finally worked out. Tricia had an international flight that left on Friday and she wouldn't return until Monday evening. Pete informed Tammy that he would have the condo to himself that weekend and Tammy agreed to meet him there. She would tell her husband that she was going shopping while he was playing golf with his regular foursome. Her husband told her to meet him at the club by 5:00 PM and they would have dinner there. That Saturday as soon as Larry, Tammy's husband left for the country club, Tammy made a bee line to Pete's condo. He met her outside and directed her to park in his garage so that her car would be out of sight. The two of them then hurried into the condo where their clothes flew off their bodies. In was the first time that they had ever been completely naked together. Pete picked Tammy up and carried her to his bed. They were both incredibly turned on and filled with desire. Pete placed her thighs on her shoulders and dipped his tongue into her pussy. He moved his hands up around her legs and found her tiny tits. Pete then began to lick and suck on Tammy's pussy as he gently fondled her small breasts and tweaked her extended nipples. Tammy had her head back and her eyes closed as she savored every moment of Pete's skilled oral love making. Tammy felt her climax building in her body and she knew that she was on the verge of a massive orgasm. She tried to think of ways to delay her orgasm as she wanted the foreplay to last forever but she was to far gone. Pete fastened his mouth to her pussy as he prepared to stay with her throughout her climax. Tammy screamed and grabbed Pete's head first to hold it tight and then to push it away as her crescendo rocked her body. But she could not push Pete's head away and he kept at her pussy as she had one orgasm after the other. Tammy drenched Pete's face with her female nectar and her body trembled as chills ran through her. Pete kept right on eating her after she had cum and the sensation became too intense for Tammy. She was not strong enough to push his head away so she begged him to stop eating her pussy and to fuck her. Tammy felt his erect cock brush against her body when he moved between her legs. Tammy looked at his big erect cock as it stood out from his body. Pete eased his cock into Tammy's pussy and she wrapped her arms and legs around his body. It felt so good to Tammy to be filled with his large cock again. Pete took his time fucking her although he was so turned on that he came quickly. Tammy felt cum shoot into her womb and she wished that he had cum in her ass. Pete remained hard after he ejaculated and continued to fuck Tammy. Now he could pace himself and bring her pleasure as he wanted this to be a day that she wouldn't soon forget. Pete fucked her keeping his cock in constant contact with her clit and Tammy had a string of orgasms. Tammy was exhausted and sated. She couldn't remember ever being fucked like that and cumming so many times. Tammy felt Pete leave the bed for a few minutes. She closed her eyes feeling wonderful and sexually satisfied. Pete returned to the bedroom and he stood by the bed with his erect cock standing straight out from his body. Pete sat on the side of the bed with his cock standing straight up. Tammy stared hungrily at his huge cock and then reached out with her petite hand to stroke it. She marveled at its size and compared it to her husband's smaller dick. Pete sighed as she masturbated him. Tammy then stretched out on her belly and leaned in to take the cock in her mouth. She leaned forward and her tongue snaked out and lapped at his ball sac lightly, then she gently licked up and down his shaft. Her tongue circled his cock head as she slowly took the head of his penis into her mouth. Her lips slid further down the shaft as she was able to take half of his cock in her mouth drawing a moan from him. Tammy began to bob her head back and forth on his cock, sucking hard on his huge member and testing her gag line. She was able to get about six inches in her mouth. Pete looked down at her shapely body sprawled on the bed and admired her incredible ass. He reached over her body and molded her curvy buttocks in his hands. He ran his finer along the crack in her ass and tickled her anus. Tammy loved the anal foreplay as she kept right on sucking his cock. When Tammy felt Pete was close she stopped sucking his cock as she wanted him to cum in her ass. Tammy rolled over on her stomach and he could not resist running his hands over her shapely cheeks. Her ass was so amazing that he felt his loins stir with desire. She had such a perfect ass and he desperately wanted to fuck it again and again. Pete got to his knees behind Tammy and kneaded her gorgeous ass cheeks. He then began to kiss her cheeks and run his tongue lightly in the crack of her ass. Tammy wiggled her ass feeling very wicked as he tongued and kissed her just as he had many times before.

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It was a perfect moment. He doesn't' have a ring - and he never said. Her hips lifted off the table and she grabbed Pete's head with both hands. Craig moaned loudly and let his cum print, Jenny was getting close and as Craig pulled his cock from her ass I started to lick the flowing cum from her ass. That Saturday as soon as Larry, Tammy's husband left for the country club, Tammy made a bee line to Pete's condo. Tammy sensed that she was servile to cum soon and that it was going to be a big one. Tammy was on her second marriage and Pete couldn't help but wonder if her husband fucked her in the ass. It definitely was something I will never forget and was something that was servile and exciting all at the same time. Fuck my ass and cum in my ass. Secret agent themed, she said, and that I had to come as a character from a spy movie. Pete kept right on eating her after she had cum and the piece became too intense for Tammy.

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